Care Revolution | Co-operation groups

Co-operation groups



  • ABC of the good life

    The ABC of the Good Life is an initiative of female philosophers and ethicists from Austria, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands who have been thinking, discussing and developing projects together for many years.
  • ATTAC AG "Enough for all"

    Our working group opposes the transformation of social services of general interest into commodities and their transfer to the financial markets. We are therefore fighting against the privatisation of pension and health insurance and are calling for the introduction of a solidarity-based citizens' insurance scheme into which ALL citizens pay according to their ability to pay, with the abolition of contribution assessment limits. Employers should once again contribute on a parity basis (half).
  • Unemployed self-help organisation ALSO Oldenburg e.V.
    The focus of ALSO's day-to-day work is social counselling. ALSO is used by many people seeking advice, as our counselling is free, impartial, independent and low-threshold. The counselling, which provides information about the social reality of those affected and the practices of the authorities, is also the starting point and basis for socio-political campaigns. ALSO is also active in nationwide associations of initiatives for the unemployed. We have not only participated intensively in nationwide protest days against unemployment, marginalisation and poverty, we have also been out and about with our own campaigns on various occasions.
    We are a feminist collective of around 150 people from Zurich that formed on 14 June 2015. Our core topic at the beginning was equal pay. To this end, we took part in various public campaigns. We tried everything we could to draw attention to the issue with flash mobs, showers of money and ticket machine embellishments. You can find many reports on our homepage. We are now also active on the subject of sexism. There is a media pillory, various reports of experiences of sexism on our website and our #HAPPY TO BLEED campaign. Another important topic is care. We held our annual network meeting on this topic in November 2016.
  • ATTAC-FLINTA* Plenum

    The Attac-FLINTA*Plenum opens up a protected space for networking within Attac and sets an example for joint efforts to actually overcome chauvinism and create gender justice. As Attac-FLINTA*s, we are particularly concerned about the economic and social situation of FLINTA*s worldwide.

  • art+care

    The Swiss network art+care is committed to reconciling care responsibilities and artistic work. art+care connects artists from all artistic disciplines and has been organising a Zoom meeting every 1st Monday of the month since the end of 2022, which all interested parties can attend. In addition to this exchange, art+care works on visibility and networking so that people with caring responsibilities can experience better participation and presence in the arts and culture sector.

  • B

  • Basisgruppe Antifa Bremen - ...about the whole thing!

    As a communist group, we organise ourselves in Bremen in a solidary and anti-authoritarian way. We develop our practice and knowledge together through our everyday experiences and with the help of theoretical Marxist analyses. We strengthen each other in our everyday struggles: Against the repression of the state, against the impositions of work and training positions or against the sexist normal state. Unconstructively against the state, nation, capital and patriarchy.

  • Berlin Women's Network

    The bfn is a political association of Berlin women's projects for the representation of interests, co-operation and bundling of their forces.

    As a grassroots democratic, feminist and solidarity-based network of anti-violence and socio-cultural women's projects, the bfn initiates and organises joint political activities to achieve women's political goals in Berlin. The bfn sees itself as a lobbyist for women's projects and their users vis-à-vis the public, political decision-makers and the administration in Berlin.
  • Educational collective Biko

    The BiKo is an attempt to be irreconcilable with the current conditions, an attempt not to be made stupid by our own powerlessness. With this in mind, we as an educational organisation want to build on a tradition of emancipatory movements as well as critically reflect on this history.
  • Office for medical refugee aid Berlin

    Since our foundation, we have been pursuing the goal of improving healthcare for illegalised* refugees and migrants through political and pragmatic means.
  • Bloody Maries

    We are a group of women who have set ourselves the goal of doing feminist work together in Osnabrück and beyond. We want to raise awareness of women's issues and bring women together so that we can jointly name our needs and the structural discrimination of women in various life situations and fight patriarchy together. For example, we are part of the women's pub and the women's strike alliance. We want a society in which solidarity and needs-orientation are paramount. Regardless of gender, origin and sexual orientation.
  • Professional association for alternative practitioners LACHESIS
    LACHESIS has been the only feminist professional organisation for female alternative practitioners in Germany since 1986. Our female members form a network of female alternative practitioners and alternative practitioners for psychotherapy. As an association, we are interwoven with many women's initiatives from the health policy spectrum and use these networks to intervene politically, to promote women's health and to advocate for a women-oriented, feminist health policy and, of course, to ensure that the profession of alternative practitioners continues to be recognised in the future.
  • C

  • Care Power More Initiative
    The initiative is addressing the public with a Care Manifesto because they believe that the cohesion of German society, which is guaranteed by reciprocal care, is at risk.
  • D

  • Thinknet Switzerland

    The Denknetz is Switzerland's left-wing think tank with over 1500 members.
  • E

  • Equal Care Day
    The 'Equal Care Day' is an initiative of the Bonn-based association klische*esc e.V., which calls on people, organisations and institutions internationally to organise and celebrate a day of action to draw attention to the lack of appreciation and unfair distribution of care work. Care work is predominantly "invisible work" and is often ignored, just like the leap day on 29 February. This is why Equal Care Day takes place on 29 February in leap years and on 1 March in all other years. More ...
    What is special is the great response the day received in its first year, 2016, even before a recurring cause or organisational structure was planned. The initiative has met with great media interest in recent years, which we do not want to leave unutilised, but on the contrary want to continue to grow through better networking. We see ourselves as an activist addition to the existing Care Revolution network and offer the day as an opportunity to join forces in parallel organised events to call for structural changes and new models around care.
  • Economiefeministe
    Economiefeministe sees itself as a platform for feminist economics. We are looking for ways in which important facts and economic contexts can become everyday knowledge from a feminist perspective - as an important prerequisite for democratic decision-making in economic policy. We do not want any more economic policy debates, studies and legislative proposals without substantial considerations from a feminist economic perspective.
  • F

  • Women's group Zumutung Reutlingen-Tübingen
    We are a small queerfeminist autonomous (in the sense of independent) women's group. We have been working for about 30 years on the topics of criticism of militarism, criticism of racism, reproductive labour/care, queerfeminist positions on current issues and and......
  • Paula Panke Women's Centre Berlin

    The Paula Panke Women's Centre is a place of exchange and community for women of all ages who live in the most diverse situations and forms. Equal opportunities, social participation and the compatibility of career and family are at the heart of the 'Paula Panke philosophy'. The need to seek advice and information or to look for new ways together is very great, especially for women, in the wake of the rapid changes in living and working conditions.
  • Feminist strike Bremen
    The F*Streik alliance has existed in Bremen for about 3 years and we were founded to organise the feminist day of struggle on 8 March. We are a queerfeminist collective that currently consists of four working groups, one of which is the Care Working Group: We deal with the topic of care work and have a particular focus on the nursing professions (currently still very hospital-focussed). We try to alternate between content and action meetings.
  • Feminist Medicine* e.V.
    The Feminist Medicine Association is a Germany-wide association of female* doctors and students* of human medicine who are committed to equal rights for all genders within medicine and the healthcare system. We define feminism intersectionally and recognise its necessity in the medical context - on a health policy level, in everyday clinical practice, in research and in teaching. We see ourselves as a political actor, a source of inspiration and an empowering network. We promote self-determination and empowerment for women* in medical structures that are still characterised by patriarchal, racist and classist attitudes and stand up for equal opportunities. To this end, we want to shed new light on and discuss medical topics from a feminist and feminist medical perspective in order to stimulate change, open up spaces and move forward together in an enlightened manner towards a future of solidarity and justice.
  • Feminist association for the promotion of women's health and holistic medicine, Lachesis e.V.
    With the association Lachesis e. V., the alternative practitioners of the professional association LACHESIS have created the possibility of an expanded political scope of action for commitment to feminist women's health. The main objectives are exchange and networking in the form of joint events, written contributions, articles, interviews and campaigns. We welcome all interested feminist women* and initiatives and interested feminist speakers. The association is open to all professions.
  • G

  • GrandmothersRevolution Switzerland

    Network, platform, think tank. The women of the new generation of grandmothers make a significant contribution to the success of intergenerational relationships in a changing society and thus to the quality of life and social cohesion. With the Grandmothers' Revolution project, Migros Culture Percentage promotes existing or emerging networks of women of the grandmothers' generation and sees itself as a platform and think tank for their social and political commitment.

  • Trespassing group
    The Hausfriedensbruch group in Hamburg has existed since 2017 as a feminist reading group for all genders with a focus on queer and materialist theory. On 8 March 2021, we turned our longer engagement with the wage-for-housework movement into a radio feature for FSK (a free Hamburg radio station), which you can listen to on our mini-blog. Our current focus is on materialist analyses of the situation of domestic and care work and the question of how commons approaches can offer anti-capitalist political perspectives.
  • I

  • Infoladen Sabotnik Erfurt

    Left-wing radical group and info shop, theory and practice, networking, information and dates, info events and readings, library, archive, newspapers and magazines, current flyers and posters, buttons, patches and much more at Veto (Magdeburger Allee 180) in Erfurt." Contact:

  • Initiative against poverty through care

    Poverty through care aims to assume social responsibility and strengthen the rights of family carers. The initiative aims to make socio-political and legal changes to improve the situation of family carers and therefore also people in need of care.
    Poverty through care gives those affected a voice. Nationwide and locally, we will raise awareness of the widespread reality of impoverishment and social marginalisation in family care.
  • Unconditional Basic Income Initiative Group Rhine-Main

    We were founded to disseminate the proposal of an unconditional basic income for all among the population, to discuss the idea itself and the related topics and problems in depth and to develop them further. To this end, we try to work together with other UBI initiatives and with groups and organisations that deal with similar or related issues. Because we consider care work to be fundamental to our lives and our society, we see the UBI as a prerequisite for having enough time to carry out care work.
  • International Socialist Organisation (ISO) Oberhausen

    Together with other political movements, the ISO actively campaigns for the social achievements, democratic rights and economic interests of the working class. We are committed to fighting racism, the oppression of women and all forms of discrimination. We want to strengthen people's confidence in their own power to bring about radical change. Within the capitalist social and economic order, we believe that the end of war, environmental destruction, unemployment, poverty and hunger is not possible.


  • K

  • Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie Leipzig

    We are a non-profit collective that has existed since 2011 and we are involved in educational and networking work in the field of socio-ecological transformation. We are committed to a society and economy that is socially, ecologically and democratically organised and pursues the goal of a good and equal life for all.
  • KAUZ - Workshop for Climate, Labour and the Future

    KAUZ (Workshop for Climate, Labour and the Future) carries out political education work in Germany, Austria, Italy and Croatia on the topics of climate justice, the world(s) of work, care work and just transitions. The focus is on a system-critical analysis of the way of life in the Global North and a clear commitment to collective strategies towards a socio-ecological transformation. The initiative emerged from a writing workshop in which the brochure "From A for Labour to Z for Future" was created.
  • M

  • Medical office Hamburg

    We provide medical assistance regardless of residence and health insurance status. We are a non-governmental, anti-racist organisation. Our mediation and counselling is free of charge and confidential. As far as possible, the treatments we arrange are also free of charge.
  • move e.V. - Education and communication in sex work
    move, an association for education and communication in sex work, is breaking new ground in order to empower sex workers for their job and to stand up for their rights (e.g. through profiS, a workplace training project) and to promote dialogue about prostitution towards a greater sense of reality and a broad commitment to sex work.
  • Mum goes on strike
    With my blog "Mum goes on strike", I have been drawing attention to private, unpaid care work for two years now. In November 2017, I initiated a net protest under #carearbeitmusssichtbarwerden. In May 2019, I went to the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs in Berlin to hand over the 30,029 signatures for the petition on care pay (for parents and carers) that I had launched. When I'm not blogging, I draw attention to private, unpaid care work mainly on Twitter, but also on Facebook and Instagram.
  • N

  • Nico's farm
    Nico's Farm is a residential project for parents with disabled children and - across the generations - with senior citizens. The aim of the residential project is to ensure that the children do not have to be placed in a care home when they become adults. Under the care of their relatives, people with disabilities find a living space at Nico's Farm that should enable them to live and work there with dignity for the rest of their lives.
  • Basic Income Network

    The Basic Income Network is an association of individuals, organisations and initiatives with the aim of introducing an unconditional basic income for all people, which secures their livelihood and enables them to participate in society, to which they have an individual legal entitlement, which is guaranteed without means testing and without being forced to work or provide other benefits in return. The aim of the network is to introduce the basic income in as broad a social alliance as possible. The Basic Income Network co-operates with basic income movements in other countries and supports the worldwide dissemination of the idea.
  • Q

  • Queer-feminist group 'against nature'

    We want to deal with gender issues and gender identity, homosexuality and desire, romantic relationships and heteronormativity. In order to shed light on these social phenomena, we want to examine the role these mechanisms play within society and the oppressive relationships that go hand in hand with them. It is important to us to analyse these relationships and develop an appropriate critique. For this reason, internal engagement with the complex of topics plays a decisive role. However, the aim is also to take our criticism to the outside world in order to contribute to changing the status quo.
  • R

  • Redical M Göttingen - ...all about it!
    We, the redical M, are a communist and anti-national group from Göttingen. Since 2004, we have been critically analysing the power and domination relations inherent in capitalism. In addition to classic anti-fascist fields of action such as racism and nationalism, we also deal with topics such as feminism, health in capitalism, social reproduction and the question of affordable housing. We strive for an alternative society, a good life without capitalism. We want a free life in which everyone can be different without having to be afraid. We call this concept communism and do not mean the previous authoritarian attempts.
  • Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

    The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is one of the major organisers of political education in the Federal Republic of Germany. It sees itself as part of the basic intellectual current of democratic socialism. Originating from the association "Gesellschaftsanalyse und politische Bildung e. V.", founded in Berlin in 1990, the Foundation has developed into a nationwide institution for political education, a discussion forum for critical thinking and political alternatives as well as a research centre for progressive social development.
  • S

  • SENECON - Care concepts in the healthcare sector
    SENECON is a Berlin-based consulting company. We take care of the needs of people who have a carer in the family (elder care). We advise on all topics related to elder care and organise lectures, workshops and training courses. In addition to all the necessary and helpful information on care, we want to encourage people not only to think about care work individually, but also to place it in a wider political, economic and social context.
  • Solimed Cologne

    We are made up of people who are professionally, personally and politically involved in the topics of health and healthcare. As experts in areas such as neighbourhood work, psychology, law, naturopathy and medicine, we are confronted with the inequalities and injustices of current healthcare on a daily basis. Whether people are healthy or ill depends not only on their individual behaviour and physical condition, but also on the social conditions in which they live. Those who are poor are ill more often and live shorter lives. We are therefore committed to creating a place where we can work collectively, interdisciplinarily and without hierarchy together with the people in the neighbourhood in a needs-oriented and low-threshold manner. We see our project as a form of lived solidarity and as a political task.

  • Solidarisch Sorgen e.V.

    In most cases, neither care workers nor people who are dependent on care have a good lever to defend themselves. This is why a comprehensive, joint effort is required.

    The aim of Solidarisch Sorgen e.V. is to make a contribution here. We want to become active, preferably in cooperation with initiatives that are also politically involved, by organising events, carrying out research and producing materials.

  • Sorge-AG in the Berlin-Neukölln district association of the Left Party

    The Left Neukölln Care Work Working Group was founded at the beginning of 2024 to make the issues of unpaid and paid care work more visible within the party and in public and to break down the outdated concept of labour. In order to find social majorities for the solidary care turnaround, we are currently focusing on politicising labour struggles and linking them to political initiatives, discourses and campaigns. We are currently supporting the labour disputes in daycare centres in particular and want to help parents build solidarity structures. Our work is not limited to the concerns of childcare workers and parents. We want to make the interests of all people who provide care more visible and organise party work in a way that facilitates their political participation.

  • T

  • Lossetal day care centre

    We are part of a community in which 75 people live and work together. We strive for an ecologically, socially and economically just and sustainable way of life. We also want to break new ground in caring for the elderly. In doing so, we thematise our own ageing and describe visions for a happy and contented life in old age. We want to publicise what we have developed in the process. We see ourselves as individuals, as part of a larger whole with a common goal. We see older people as an enrichment to our society.
  • U

  • Unia Women's Group Biel-Seeland / Canton Solothurn
    We share the strategy of the Care Revolution: a rethink is needed and the trade unions can also contribute to raising awareness of this issue. Solidarity and no longer profit maximisation is important. Human needs, especially care for one another, belong at the centre of political action. We believe that care is a trade union issue for the future, because all labour is valuable. Women are predominantly responsible for the caring activities in our society. Women's work is of inestimable value to the well-being and standard of living of us all and is an indispensable part of our everyday lives. The question of the organisation, distribution and conditions of this work is a key issue for the future. We need solutions as to who will do this work in the future and under what conditions.
  • V

  • ver.di works group Charité Berlin

  • Association of Democratic Doctors
    We are doctors, psychotherapists and medical students. We are fighting for equal treatment for people from all walks of life, for social and fair working conditions in the healthcare professions, for democratic and social rules in medicine and for solidarity-based support for participatory healthcare movements as well as unrestricted medical care for refugees. We criticise the commercialisation of medicine, the pure professional politics of medical associations and KV, the lobbying of the pharmaceutical and device industry and any form of two-tier medicine.
  • W

  • We women - the feminist paper
    We women - the feminist paper. Independent, radical, in solidarity. Wants more than "half of the mouldy cake" and relies on a solidary "we" that must be constantly worked out together. Has been asking the following questions since 1982: Who benefits from the circumstances? How are we ourselves entangled? How do women around the world resist? Where and how do they realise their ideas and life plans, their rights to self-determination and participation? How can work and income, culture, education and health, reproductive labour, influence and responsibility be shared among all? With its own section "Who cares? Struggles for reproduction". Part of the project is the pocket calendar "We Women".
  • Wir pflegen - Interessenvertretung begleitender Angehöriger und Freunde in Deutschland e.V.
    The initiative against poverty through care gives those affected a voice and raises awareness of the widespread reality of impoverishment and social exclusion in family care. Together with those affected, the initiative calls for fairer financing of care and campaigns for a change in care through the media, politics and science - with equal rights under social law for family carers and protection in family care.
    The initiative against poverty through care is a priority topic of the federal association Wir pflegen e.V.
  • Economy is Care e.V.

    The WiC (Wirtschaft ist Care) association was founded in St. Gallen/Switzerland in December 2015. It aims to raise awareness of the fact that prosperity and well-being worldwide are based on unpaid or underpaid care work. Through projects and campaigns, it works to ensure that care work is publicly recognised, documented and valued as fully-fledged work. The association endeavours to communicate the results of research into care economics and ethics. The aim is a better, gender-sensitive understanding of economic relationships, the sustainable improvement of people's living conditions and thus ultimately a reorganisation of the economy around its core business, the satisfaction of actual human needs worldwide.
  • Wirtschaft ist Care e.V. Germany
    The post-patriarchal think tank Wirtschaft ist Care (WiC) was founded in St. Gallen/Switzerland in December 2015 and expanded to Germany in spring 2022. WiC aims to raise awareness of the fact that prosperity and well-being worldwide are based on unpaid or underpaid care work. Through projects and campaigns, the association works to ensure that care work is publicly recognised, documented and valued as fully-fledged work. It endeavours to communicate the results of research into care economics and ethics. The aim is a better, gender-sensitive understanding of economic relationships, the sustainable improvement of people's living conditions and ultimately a reorientation of the economy.