Care Revolution | Work of Ukrainian care trade unionists under difficult conditions - two event reports

Work of Ukrainian care trade unionists under difficult conditions - two event reports

Aktuelles – 24. June 2024

On 11 April, the Events working group in the Care Revolution network organised an event with activists from #BeLikeNina, a Ukrainian grassroots trade union in the healthcare sector. We were able to report on the content of the event in the recently published issue of express - Zeitung für sozialistische Betriebs- und Gewerkschaftsarbeit. We have received permission from express to reprint it; we would like to take this opportunity to recommend express and labournet to you: tremendously rich sources for developments and movements, especially in paid care work. We were very impressed by the information provided by the Ukrainian trade unionists; you can find our report for express here.

On 8 June, #BeLikeNina also took part in the event "For a self-determined reconstruction of Ukraine" with 70 participants. The event was organised by the Internationalism Working Group of IG Metall Berlin and the "Solidarity with Ukrainian Trade Unions" initiative. Here you can find Angela Klein's report from the conference. Thank you very much for sending it!

We are glad that we were able to gain an insight into the work of these courageous, committed trade unionists through the organisation of the event and hope that further opportunities for cooperation will be found!

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