Care Revolution | Caring on a piecework basis - a radio feature by Hilke Rusch

Caring on a piecework basis - a radio feature by Hilke Rusch

Aktuelles – 22. August 2016
Reducing costs, increasing efficiency, rationalisation - these are the buzzwords when work processes are optimised.
When working with people, however, the principle quickly reaches its limits. Here, fewer staff, less time and more automation mean a loss of quality. Nurses, nursery school teachers and migrant home carers are working at the limit. Professional ethics are high, pay is low and mental illness is particularly common. It's time for a paradigm shift, which is what the "Care Revolution" network, an alliance of feminist groups, parents of disabled children and Charité employees, is striving for. You can listen to the featurehere.
On the Federal Participation Act: Care revolution for the right to self-determined assistance! 25. August 2016
Care on the ground in Hamburg 04. August 2016