Care Revolution | Take care! - Short film about the BarCamp in Munich

Take care! - Short film about the BarCamp in Munich

Aktuelles – 08. November 2018 – Video
The "Kümmert Euch! BarCamp", a cooperation between the Munich Adult Education Centre and the Bavarian Research Association ForGenderCare, brought together professional or private carers, bloggers, foundations, network groups, associations, clubs, initiatives, trade unions and all interested parties in Munich on 30 June '18. Here you can get a small impression in a four-minute video by filmmakers Katharina Rabl and Nina Moog. The topics of caring and welfare naturally continue to occupy the people of Munich and they would like to think further on a political, scientific and also active level. Anyone interested in networking, sharing ideas and planning actions is welcome to contact the BarCamp organisers at
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