Care Revolution | Website of the Care Revolution network in a new guise

Website of the Care Revolution network in a new guise

Aktuelles – 16. December 2024

After ten years, the website of our Care Revolution network needed an overhaul. In particular, the old site was relatively impractical to use on a smartphone. A modernisation of our website was therefore urgently needed. Scrolling through what's new on the bus or train is now easier than with the old site. At the same time, we don't want to limit ourselves to colourful infotainment tidbits, but rather publish background and discussion articles. The site should therefore continue to be easy to use for these purposes and on the computer. The corresponding redesign was carried out by the software collective; we are as pleased with the result as we are with the collaboration.

However, what you as users say is crucial. We invite you to browse the new site, try out how it works and let us know what you find useful, nice, useless or questionable. Simply take the redesign as an invitation to take a virtual stroll through the wealth of material!

There are always opportunities to get involved, some of which are permanent, e.g. in the regional and working groups, and others via event and campaign announcements. Of course, you can also simply become a member of the Care Revolution network as an individual or with your group or organisation. Or you can invite us to introduce ourselves and our approach to you. To do this, write to us at

Job advertisement at Solidarisch Sorgen e.V. 05. January 2025
Video '10 years of Care Revolution' 14. December 2024