Care Revolution | New Rhine-Neckar regional group founded in Baden-Württemberg

New Rhine-Neckar regional group founded in Baden-Württemberg

Aktuelles – 05. August 2021
The starting point for this new Care Revolution group is the analysis that many people are reaching their limits with the demands of work, household and family. In particular, people with caring responsibilities for children and adults in need of support are experiencing enormous time and physical overload and/or financial insecurity. Against this backdrop, it comes as no surprise to the group that the effects of the coronavirus crisis are exacerbating the crisis in the entire care sector, which was already well known in the education, care and health sectors, in social work and also in everyday family life long before the pandemic. The extent of the crisis only becomes apparent when all areas of care, paid and unpaid, are considered together. With this in mind, SolidarityCity, the trade union ver.di, the Feminist Alliance Heidelberg and the Church Service in the World of Work invited Gabriele Winker to speak at the first event on 18 May 2021. In a first step, the group invited Gabriele Winker to an impulse event on 18 May 2021 with the aim of initiating a broad discussion and forming a network. In a second step, the group addressed the question of who actually cares for our relatives at an event on 5 July 2021 and looked at the situation of carers in Germany from Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. They invited Renate Zäckel, Managing Director of the Fair Mobility Mannheim project, to give a report and talk about this. In addition to these activities, the initiatives involved have joined forces to form Care Revolution Rhine-Neckar, in which people from Heidelberg and Mannheim work together. If you are interested in the Rhine-Neckar region, please contact us here.
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