Care Revolution | Nico's farm for the rights of carers on the move

Nico's farm for the rights of carers on the move

Aktuelles – 04. June 2016 – Action
Since the organisation was founded in 2008, the Nicos Farm association, one of Care Revolution's first cooperation partners, has regularly organised walks to raise awareness of the problems faced by parents with disabled children. Here is a brief report on this year's hike by Arnold Schnittger, the founder of the association: "This year, we hiked 300 kilometres along the Römer-Lippe route in North Rhine-Westphalia. Always with us: Nico, my son, who visibly enjoys these activities and can be pushed comfortably in a wheelchair over hill and dale. We (happily) "whinge" our way through Germany with topics such as "Poverty through care" or "No Hartz IV for carers". We invite politicians, government employees and representatives of the press to accompany us on our journey. In this way, we can try to raise awareness, get to know each other and draw attention to the framework conditions in the care sector, which are more than in need of reform. We have had numerous meetings with mayors, social institutions and newspaper editors. Here are some of the press reactions: in the WAZ newspaper, a report from Schermbeck, on the homepage of the town of Datteln, and another newspaper article from the WAZ on the website of the Lebenshilfe Waltrop association. However, the interest shown in us and the many good discussions should not hide the fact that there is still a long way to go - towards a society based on solidarity. Despite walking several thousand kilometres, we have not yet succeeded in raising public awareness of the problems faced by carers. We still have a long way to go ..."
Care Revolution event series in Thuringia 24. June 2016
Call for a society without child poverty 01. June 2016