Care Revolution | Panel "Labour disputes in the care sector" in Heilbronn

Panel "Labour disputes in the care sector" in Heilbronn

Aktuelles – 20. May 2017
A panel discussion on industrial action in the care sector took place at the "Soziales Zentrum Käthe" in Heilbronn on 28 April. With Laura Beckmann, a representative of the Charité strike in Berlin, Hans-Joachim Belz from the works council of the SLK clinics and Arne Gailing from ver.di-Heilbronn, we discussed current problems in nursing and how industrial action can be taken to reduce the workload and increase staffing levels in hospitals. The audience of over 30 people took an active part in the discussion. Many of those present drew a frightening picture of the conditions in the hospitals in our region through vivid reports of their own experiences. The conclusion of the evening: don't just moan and carry on, stand up and fight!
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