Care Revolution | Time sovereignty - for everyone!

Time sovereignty - for everyone!

Aktuelles – 04. October 2024 – Debate

Newly published: A brochure by the AG Zeitsouveränität

A few months ago, the AG Erwerbszeitverkürzung in the Care Revolution network published a brochure describing the reduction of working hours as a central project on which trade unionists, feminist and ecological movements can come together. Now a brochure has been published by the AG Zeitsouveränität. The aim of this new publication is to programmatically bring together various instruments that allow people to use their time according to their needs without having to forego access to vital resources.

This time sovereignty is a basic prerequisite for the disposal of one's own life, for a good life. How can this goal be achieved for everyone, regardless of the extent to which and in what form they work, whether paid or unpaid? In addition to reducing working hours, the authors cite an unconditional basic income as a central element. They also consider how a reduction in working hours should be organised in order to be part of the 'good life for all' perspective.

Both brochures pose very similar questions and provide largely similar answers. Nevertheless, the fact that these two different texts exist is not a waste of writing time and paper. While the AG Erwerbsarbeitszeitverkürzung primarily asks how the goals of different movements can meet in this demand and become a common struggle, the brochure now published aims to present a coherent overall concept that integrates various political projects. Our recommendation: read both and get in touch with the working groups if you are interested!

The brochure is not only available for download, but can also be ordered free of charge from the AG Zeitsouveränität. This also applies to the brochure of the AG Erwerbsarbeitszeitverkürzung. You can find the addresses of the working groups here.

You can download the brochure here:

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