Care Revolution | Responses to the care crisis: Care Revolution

Responses to the care crisis: Care Revolution

Kalender-Icon 24. April 2015
The Care Revolution is a transformation strategy that places the availability of time and material resources for the care of oneself and others at the centre of politics. In the workshop, Gabriele Winker will discuss concrete steps towards a society based on solidarity and needs. One of these steps is to remove the social infrastructure as far as possible from the capitalist profit logic and subject it to democratic control. We will discuss this future strategy using a specific example from the field of healthcare: Participants will report on the efforts to establish a grassroots democratic polyclinic in Hamburg.Speakers:Gabriele Winker is a feminist activist and professor at the TU Hamburg-Harburg. She is a member of the Care Revolution network and author of the recently published book "Care Revolution. Schritte in eine solidarische Gesellschaft."Anh-Thy Nguyen is a doctor and, as part of the Polyklinik Group, is committed to founding a health centre anchored in the district that combines medical care with social and legal advice as well as preventive health care depending on social determinants such as housing.Moderation: Cornelia Möhring, women's policyspokesperson for the Left Party in the Bundestag.
Organiser: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and DIE LINKE parliamentary group in the Bundestag.
Venue: Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, seminar room 7
City: Berlin
Location: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Topic: Care
Time: 16:30-18:30