Care Revolution | Hanover: Film event for domestic workers on 23.03.16

Hanover: Film event for domestic workers on 23.03.16

Kalender-Icon 23. March 2016
Care Revolution Hannover and ver.di Bezirksfrauenrat Hannover-Leine-Weser are showing the film:"Dringend gesucht - Anerkennung nicht vorgesehen. Domestic workers fight for their rights", a documentary film by Anne Frisius (2014), followed by a discussion. The event starts at 5 pm in the ver.di-Höfe in the bistro, Goseriede 10, Hanover Contact: care-hannover@posteo.deFurther information about the film can be found here
City: Hanover
Location: ver.di-Höfe, Bistro, Goseriede 10, Hanover
Topic: Domestic workers
Time: 17:00-21:00