Care Revolution | People before profits: Care Conference NRW

People before profits: Care Conference NRW

Kalender-Icon 22. September 2018
This care conference will take place on 22 September 2018 from 11:00 - 17:00 in Bochum at Langendreer station and is being organised by LINKE NRW. Among other things, there will be workshops on the current labour disputes at the university hospitals in Düsseldorf and Essen (there are strikes at both hospitals) and a workshop on Care Revolution, in which Melanie Stitz will give a presentation. Word has now got around that there is an urgent need for action in the care sector. However, a lot of pressure is still needed to push through sufficient measures vis-à-vis the government. The Care Conference will discuss how to proceed with the campaign against the care crisis. The programme can be viewed here.
City: Langendreer railway station, Wallbaumweg 108
Place: Bochum
Time: 11:00-17:00