Care Revolution | Lecture series: Quality management and the future of personal service professions in education, upbringing, social affairs, health and care

Lecture series: Quality management and the future of personal service professions in education, upbringing, social affairs, health and care

Kalender-Icon 09. March 2016
Prof. Dr. Maria-Eleonora Karsten, Leuphana University of LüneburgQuality management and the future of personal service professions in education, upbringing, social affairs, health and carein the Audimax Social (educational) professions are still and will continue to be professionalised as women's professions in vocational training, studies and in the labour market for upbringing, education and care in child and youth welfare. The occupational profile continues to be structurally devalued, which is also reflected in the German and European Qualification Framework. "Occupation" and "profession" are special social constructions in social pedagogy. Skills are often naturalised and the characteristics of personal social services are not sufficiently taken into account. Professionalisation, such as self-competence and social competence, must be understood and valued.
City: Berlin
Venue: Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, Alice-Salomon-Platz 5
Topic: Care
Time: 16:00-18:00