Care Revolution | "Social reproduction in crisis - towards the care revolution?"

"Social reproduction in crisis - towards the care revolution?"

Kalender-Icon 01. February 2025
Uhr-Icon 19:00 Clock
Karten-Icon Falkenhaus, Bernhard-Winter-Str. 27, Mainz-Mombach

Caring for one another is part of being human and living a good life. At the same time, care work - paid in hospitals or at home with children or those in need of care - is a source of overwork and poverty under current conditions. How capitalism exploits and over-exploits care work, how the burdens are unequally distributed and why things could be very different. Lecture and discussion with Matthias Neumann (Care Revolution; Solidarisch Sorgen e.V.). Organised by SJD- Die Falken Mainz and Initiative Sorgende Stadt

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