Care Revolution | wir pflegen NRW e.V. calls for a fairer NRW for family carers

wir pflegen NRW e.V. calls for a fairer NRW for family carers

Kalender-Icon 24. February 2017
wir pflegen NRW - the self-help and interest group for family carers in North Rhine-Westphalia - has drawn up five demands from family carers to politicians - for the state elections on 14 May 2017. These will be discussed at the political forum organised by wir pflegen NRW on 24 February 2017 in Mülheim at the MedienHaus from 1.30 to 3.30 pm.
City: Mülheim a.d.Ruhr
Location: MedienHaus, Synagogenplatz 3, 4th floor (barrier-free)
Topic: Care policy
Time: 13.30-15.30