Care Revolution | AK Care Climate Revolution adopts call for "Solidarity instead of competition"

AK Care Climate Revolution adopts call for "Solidarity instead of competition"

Aktuelles – 12. December 2022

The supra-regional Care Climate Revolution working group has adopted a short paper entitled "Solidarity instead of competition". It begins by outlining the social, ecological and geopolitical crises and points out that their causes lie in the capitalist principle of global competition and the pursuit of growth. The working group then explains why joint activities by the various social movements are increasingly necessary. The aim is to publicise the desire for a good life in a society based on solidarity. This is the purpose of an appeal contained in the paper, which names the most important first steps. The Care Climate Revolution working group would be delighted if these first steps were discussed in initiatives, possibly modified and used as a basis for entering into dialogue with other initiatives and planning and implementing joint actions.

Participation in the supra-regional Care Climate Revolution working group is also possible at any time. We ask ourselves how care and climate activists can gain more political influence by working together on content and activism. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to

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