Care Revolution | Off to the Care Revolution sailing trip!

Off to the Care Revolution sailing trip!

Aktuelles – 25. April 2018
The Care Revolution sailing trip serves to network Care Revolution activists and interested parties. It will take place from Sunday, 27.05.18 (6 pm) to Friday 01.06.18 (2 pm). Care work is everywhere: whether at home or in institutions such as hospitals, care homes, schools and daycare centres. Whenever we look after others, our immediate livelihoods or ourselves, we are doing care work. Despite this, this work is held in low esteem in our society and is often unpaid or poorly paid - we want to change this! We want the (state) organisation of care work to be based on people's needs and not on the profit logic of our economic system. In order to achieve this, we want to think together about strategies to bring this issue back into the conversation and initiate change. Are you politically, work-related and/or personally concerned with issues relating to care (care work) and/or are you already active in the Care Revolution network? Do you look after children, relatives in need of care, friends in crisis? Do you work as a nurse, doctor or nursery school teacher or are you simply interested in the topic? Then come along to the Care Revolution sailing trip! We want to spend five days on the boat together to discuss the topics we are currently working on, what is happening in the network's regional groups and also to network and advance projects together. Sailing together, enjoying the wind and weather and personal exchange will of course also find enough space! During the trip we will focus on three levels of care: 1. regional - care and care revolution in your place, everyday life, regional group or organisation 2. supra-regional - presentation and discussion of the planned campaign of the Care Revolution network 3. global - understanding care in relation to global, economic contexts and migration movements Within the set priorities there is room for your own topics, questions and methods. You can choose the amount of the participation fee yourself depending on your financial means. The contribution is between €180 and €260. This includes the cost of the boat and catering (organic and vegan). You must pay for your own travel to and from the harbour in Kappeln. Your participation should not fail because of money - if you cannot pay the minimum contribution, please let us know so that we can find a solution together. We will organise childcare on site and together. Click here to register. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact: sophia@ - we look forward to hearing from you!
Kontext: Network meeting
"More than just ranting about capitalism" - Networking for the Care Revolution 26. April 2018
Rally with Arnold and Nico Schnittger in Berlin 09. April 2018