Care Revolution | Report from the care block of the UMverteilen demo in Berlin on 12 November 2022

Report from the care block of the UMverteilen demo in Berlin on 12 November 2022

Aktuelles – 19. November 2022 – Action

On Saturday, 12 November 2022, a broad alliance of left-wing social, rent, climate justice and care initiatives in Berlin came together to take to the streets. Many different blocs from the various social movements had formed to protest against the rising cost of living at the expense of poorer social groups and against the unfair distribution of wealth. Redistribution - from top to bottom - was the motto with which the participants called for social policies and solidarity-based ways out of the current crises.

Over 7000 people came together to make the following demands loudly:

  • Price caps for electricity, heating costs & rents!
  • Socialise property and energy companies
  • Excess profit tax now! No poverty for your profits
  • No evictions, no gas and electricity cuts
  • Higher wages, higher pensions, higher social benefits
  • Tax wealth
  • Free & good public transport
  • Unlimited mobility for all
  • Ban on speculation and fixed prices for food
  • Solidarity-based basic services for all!
  • Economy for the common good instead of profits for corporations and the super-rich!

The Berlin regional group of Care Revolution took part in the organisation of the care block in the demo train. Because these crises cannot be overcome without concern for each other and solidarity!

Also taking part in the care block were: Gesundheit statt Profite, Verein Kritische Mediziner:innen, Perspektive Selbstverwaltung, Walk of Care, Feminist Dialogues, Berliner Bündnis der Krankenhausbewegung, Aktion Notaufnahmen retten, Junge Mediziner:innen gegen Profite and the Widerklang Chorkollektiv.

The militant speeches came from workers in the health and care professions, from people who bear responsibility for care in a variety of care relationships and from people who are campaigning for better conditions in all areas of care work. We are united by the vision of a society based on solidarity, in which all people can look after each other according to their wishes and those who are dependent on care work also receive it.

Our common demand: Put paid and unpaid CARE WORK AT THE CENTRE - NOW!

Link to the call:

Report on the network meeting of Care Revolutionaries on 19.11.22 20. November 2022
Successful first Care Climate Workshop in Buchenbach 03. October 2022