Care Revolution | Book on the Care Revolution published!

Book on the Care Revolution published!

Aktuelles – 20. February 2015 – Debate
Care Revolution - Steps towards a society based on solidarity. By Gabriele Winker transcript-Verlag, March 2015 Many people reach the limits of their strength when trying to take good care of themselves and others. What appears to be an individual failure in the face of everyday demands is actually the result of neoliberal crisis management. A fundamental change of perspective is therefore necessary - nothing less than a care revolution.
Gabriele Winker develops steps towards a society based on solidarity that no longer focuses on profit maximisation but on human needs and, in particular, care for one another. The goal is a world in which people no longer face each other as competitors, but instead organise their individual lives together.
Economy is care 26. March 2015
Short documentation of the Care Revolution Action Conference 23. January 2015