Care Revolution | Nationwide network meeting

Nationwide network meeting

Aktuelles – 26. April 2016
A two-day meeting in Berlin with around 70 participants is behind us: there was a controversial and fruitful start to a structural debate on strategy, orientation and work distribution around the network, there were workshops on, among other things, the question of whether and how assistance users and providers can fight for their demands together. There was a discussion based on an input on the repressive effects of the Prostitute Protection Act on sex workers, from which active members of the network wrote and signed a statement against this law. This weekend, we made a lot of progress together and across the board! Many thanks to everyone who took part so actively. For the Care Revolution!
Kontext: Network meeting
Switzerland: In favour of an unconditional basic income with a view to care work 03. May 2016
ver.di publication from Hesse on the Care Revolution 26. April 2016