Care Revolution | Nationwide network meeting on 13-14 May 2017

Nationwide network meeting on 13-14 May 2017

Aktuelles – 10. July 2017

Around 25 people came to Berlin on 13-14 May 2017 to continue working on the future prospects of the network. Several working groups have now been formed and are organising key aspects of a structure that will serve to consolidate and further grow the network. Strategy WG, Finance WG, Communications WG, Campaign WG....

Central question: How can individual care workers and people who benefit from this care work join forces to make the great importance of paid and unpaid care work in our economic system visible and aware? How can this increasingly important work be organised and distributed in such a way that its quality increases and all people can satisfy their care needs? How can we better organise local networking in the regional groups? A film was made to introduce the network to a wider audience with the aim of inspiring more active people to participate and raising financial support to benefit the work of the network. A passage against right-wing populism was included in the resolution in order to clearly position the network in the political developments of recent years. The next network meeting was scheduled for 21-22 2017 in Frankfurt am Main.
Kontext: Network meeting
Film about the Freiburg Action Conference 10. July 2017
Recording of a conversation with active carers 10. July 2017