Care Revolution | CareSlam at the end of the nationwide risk report campaign

CareSlam at the end of the nationwide risk report campaign

Aktuelles – 10. July 2017 – Video
The Nationwide Endangerment Notification campaign, which was supported by Care Revolution, came to an artistic conclusion with a CareSlam in Berlin on the evening of 12 May. 2017. "Die Pflege" took to the stage and took the floor. This performance was documented in various videos.1. nursing educator Cornelia Maria Zink addresses the often catastrophic conditions of practical training in geriatric care. 2. carer Roger Konrad describes the empowerment process of carers to organise resistance against increasingly untenable conditions. 3. leasing nurse Dagmar Stegler pleads for more solidarity among overburdened carers 4. the head of the RLP Chamber of Nursing, Dr Markus Mai , explains that it is time to form a strong ring consisting of the chamber, association and union: Chamber, association and trade union. Only together can something be changed. 5. care home operator Markus Jogertz-Ratzka denounces the Kafka-like conditions in which he finds himself and which make good care impossible. 6. Florence Nightingale's spirit appears with The Lamp and passes on the light to the care sector. 7. the sainted Johannen of the Pisstöpfe denounce the slaughterhouses of our time, the factories for the sick and the elderly.
Recording of a conversation with active carers 10. July 2017
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