Care Revolution | Demonstration against PEPP in Berlin

Demonstration against PEPP in Berlin

Aktuelles – 19. February 2016 – Action
On 18 February 2016, 400 people demonstrated in front of the Federal Ministry of Health in Berlin against PEPP, the introduction of the flat-rate remuneration system for psychiatry and psychosomatics. If PEPP cannot be prevented, psychiatry will realise what has been part of everyday life in hospitals since 2004: profitable work. How this can be reconciled with good care is more than questionable, as this requires personal contact and time. PEPP must go! Struggles against PEPP should be linked to demands for non-violent psychiatry and the focus should be on alternatives and diverse services that strengthen self-empowerment approaches! For a care revolution!
8 March in Frankfurt: Securing livelihoods through UBI 02. March 2016
More staff in the hospital! 15. February 2016