Care Revolution | Symposium "Unconditional basic income and social infrastructure?!"

Symposium "Unconditional basic income and social infrastructure?!"

Aktuelles – 09. January 2025

On 24 January 2025, a symposium will be held at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts on the question of the relationship between the individual entitlement to an unconditional basic income and collective access to an expanded social infrastructure - complementary or contradictory goals. The Care Revolution network is co-organising the symposium. Elfriede Harth, an active member of Care Revolution Rhein/Main, will also be speaking there. But this is not the only reason why we are inviting you to take part!

Here is a link to a contribution we received from Ronald Blaschke, activist in the Basic Income Network and the Care Revolution Network and co-organiser of the symposium. Thank you very much! In the article you will also find details about the location, the programme and a link to the registration form.

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