Care Revolution | How and why become a cooperation group?

How and why become a cooperation group?

Aktuelles – 06. January 2025

At the beginning of the year, we were able to include the Sorge-AG in the Berlin-Neukölln district association of the Left Party as a new cooperation group. We are delighted about this and would like to take this opportunity to draw attention to the possibility of becoming a co-operation group.

The Care Revolution network is just that: A network, i.e. a relatively loose association of people and groups who are committed to a fundamental improvement in the situation of people in caring relationships and who are guided by our principles: Solidarity-based solutions that do not come at the expense of others, satisfaction of needs rather than profitability as a guiding principle, cooperation between family and voluntary care workers, care employees and "users*" of care facilities with goals and demands that help everyone. In principle, the resolution from the founding meeting in 2014 still provides good orientation.

Cooperation groups that become part of the network as an organisation or group are pillars of our network alongside Care Revolution regional groups and individuals who are directly involved in the network. The group itself decides what this status means. Some of the co-operation groups have little time and energy to participate and declare their affiliation simply out of sympathy for the common goals. Others use the network's internal channels to provide information about their activities and keep up to date with what is happening in the network. Finally, there are groups that actively participate in the structures of the network.

We would be delighted if your group or organisation would also like to participate in the network as a cooperation group. The more groups are involved with their topics and approaches and the personal experiences they represent, the more clearly the Care Revolution network can stand for a comprehensive policy of solidarity. Contact us at!

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