Care Revolution | Feminist positions on unconditional basic income published as a book

Feminist positions on unconditional basic income published as a book

Aktuelles – 24. October 2016
It is high time to drive forward the public debate on the topic of 'work'. Work is more than gainful employment, the economy more than figures and balance sheets. Feminist economic critique has been leading this debate for a long time - also against the background that people live in dependence on each other and need the social guarantee of sufficient security of existence and the possibility of social participation for a good life. The unconditional basic income can be a step in the right direction - but only if feminist and post-patriarchal perspectives are taken into account: The basic income must be embedded in an economic concept centred on care. Further information from Ulrike-Helmer-Verlag
UmCare! Socio-political theme day on care work in Frankfurt am Main on 19.11.2016 21. November 2016
Sea of lights in Hamburg (almost) stopped by police! 13. October 2016