Care Revolution | Out for the First of May. A report by the Dortmund regional group

Out for the First of May. A report by the Dortmund regional group

Aktuelles – 13. May 2024

At the beginning of 1886, the North American labour movement called for a general strike on 1 May to enforce the eight-hour day - in reference to the mass demonstration on 1 May 1856 in Australia (state of Victoria), which also demanded the eight-hour day. (Wikipedia)

138 years or 168 years later, we at Care Revolution Dortmund are advocating a reduction in working hours to a 30-hour week. Why? To counteract overwork, precarisation, unequal distribution of social, gender-related and discriminatory dependencies, as in previous struggles. To ensure a good life for all. This includes, among other things, services of general interest that are equally accessible to all and do not serve profit interests. This also includes an international global commitment to greater sustainability and climate justice. For this reason, we share the ideas of degrowth, which are based on the avoidance of senseless and resource-wasting consumption. This can only be realised in a democracy that involves its citizens, e.g. through a citizens' council by lot. This could be an arrangement that responds to specific needs and local conditions. For municipalities, this can be an asset to enable access for all population groups and to implement a "caring city". These two topics, reducing working hours and citizens' councils, were our central demands, on which we set up display walls and book tables.

During the National Socialist era, the National Socialists made 1 May a public holiday from 1933. The Reich Law of 10 April 1933 designated it as the "Day of National Labour". On 2 May 1933, the trade unions in Germany were "brought into line", trade union buildings were stormed and assets were confiscated. In 1934, an amendment to the law declared 1 May a "bank holiday of the German people". (Wikipedia)

Just like back then, right-wing extremists attacked trade unionists in 2009. On 1 May in Dortmund, they attacked the DGB demonstration that had just formed for the march. They suddenly came out of the bushes and, wearing masks, attacked participants with wooden sticks and stones. Investigations were launched against 404 right-wing extremists for breach of the peace.

Right-wing extremist attitudes are on the rise and have long since reached the centre of society. For this reason, we also distributed information material from the Dortmund-based organisation Backup. This organisation offers support to victims of right-wing violence and tries to counteract right-wing extremist ideas through education, e.g. in schools.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the first of May is celebrated as the Day of Commitment to Freedom and Peace, Social Justice, International Reconciliation and Human Dignity (abbreviated as the Day of Peace and International Reconciliation) on the basis of the North Rhine-Westphalian Public Holiday Act. (Wikipedia)
It is a pity that this is only proclaimed for one day. In Dortmund, 1 May is the DGB's cultural and family festival. It is international and open to all. Will this also apply to refugees in the future if they are marginalised at the stands with their payment card and excluded from real social participation, thereby preventing integration?

No thanks for the flowers 13. May 2024
1 May - Stop GEAS - 8 March. Care Revolution Rhine/Neckar on the streets 07. May 2024