Care Revolution | Short film: Successful strike in hospital!

Short film: Successful strike in hospital!

Aktuelles – 05. October 2017 – Video
In view of the renewed strike at the end of September 2017 for an improvement in the collective agreement on minimum staffing at Berlin's Charité hospital, the short documentary by Berlin film production company Lumapark on the collective bargaining movement for more staff at Berlin's Charité hospital is attracting a great deal of attention. The short film traces the conflict for more staff at the hospital. It shows the determined resistance of nursing staff and patients against understaffing in the care sector and their commitment to better healthcare for all. The film can be seen here.
Sea of lights on 27 October 2017 - this year also in Frankfurt 20. October 2017
Demo in Freiburg in favour of more hospital staff 01. October 2017