Care Revolution | Sea of lights for more inclusion on 25.10.19 in Frankfurt

Sea of lights for more inclusion on 25.10.19 in Frankfurt

Aktuelles – 22. October 2019
Celebrating diversity and "unhindering" the world together On 25 October, it's that time again. For the third time in three years, everyone is invited to come together at 17:30 in front of the Historical Museum in Frankfurt to take part in a procession of lights and lanterns for more inclusion. The motto of the event, organised by the Care Revolution Rhein Main network in cooperation with the Inclusion Network: "A light from child to child." Elfriede Harth from the Care Revolution network explains: "We want to raise awareness of the fact that people with disabilities have the same rights as all members of our society. That we can and must all work to break down barriers that prevent equality. That we need to overcome stereotypes, prejudices and thoughtlessness. That disability is not something private that you have to deal with alone in your family, but that it concerns us all. That we as a human community, as a democratic society, are called upon to guarantee parents of children with disabilities and carers all the necessary support in their care work, so that excessive demands and poverty caused by care are prevented. That all necessary measures are taken by those politically responsible to ensure that sufficient, good and free public welfare infrastructures are created and expanded for all those in need, especially with regard to education and lifelong learning." Germany ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 10 years ago. In doing so, Germany committed itself to ensuring respect for the dignity of people with disabilities and their right to freedom and self-determination. Respect for the diversity of people with disabilities and acceptance of these people as part of human diversity and humanity. Respect for the developing abilities of children with disabilities and respect for their right to preserve their identity. The understanding of disability is constantly evolving. Disability arises from the interaction between people with disabilities and attitudinal and environmental barriers. It is up to all of us to "disable" our world as much as possible. We are delighted that Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann has once again taken on the patronage of the Sea of Lights for Inclusion this year. An invitation trailer on YouTube can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact: Elfriede Harth, Netzwerk Care Revolution, / Tel: 0152-04037945 Alexandra Cremer, Netzwerk Inklusion / Tel: 0171-5342585
150 people at the sea of lights for inclusion in Frankfurt 04. November 2019
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