Care Revolution | 150 people at the sea of lights for inclusion in Frankfurt

150 people at the sea of lights for inclusion in Frankfurt

Aktuelles – 04. November 2019
Once again, young and old gathered in Frankfurt to shine lights for people with disabilities and their families in our society. The capitalist market economy systematically ignores the fact that we are all needy and dependent on each other. That we depend on someone growing food and someone preparing meals from it. That someone picks up the rubbish regularly. That we can stay and move around safely on the streets because there are rules that everyone follows as far as possible. And because nobody is running around shooting guns, but for neoliberalism, people are only important in order to be utilised as "human capital". Or to keep the market and economic growth alive as "consumers". Human neediness and human dependence are largely suppressed. Neoliberalism persuades us that neediness is a consequence of freely chosen options: if we decide to become parents, then we have to bear all the private burdens that arise from this. After all, we were free to decide otherwise. As if parenthood is not something profoundly social that makes the continued existence of our society possible in the first place. Neoliberalism imposes a radical individualism on us that undermines all social ties, unless they revolve around money. Some people are born with an impairment. Most of us only acquire them in the course of our lives, e.g. because we don't die young enough, but grow old. If we are then not (or no longer) so easy to utilise as "human capital" because we are more dependent on care and support than others, the inhuman face of this system becomes particularly clear. And this is precisely where Care Revolution comes in: we want to make people aware that it is about people and their well-being. Not the accumulation of power and profit. The economy should be organised in such a way that all needs are met and everyone has a good life. People with disabilities must be able to participate as independently as possible. And people who assist them must receive all the support they need so that they are not overburdened. Their efforts must not result in any financial disadvantages. Around 150 people came together in Frankfurt on 25 October for the Sea of Lights for Inclusion. The sign language choir from IGS Nordend sang and performed three songs. Special thanks to them and their teachers. Two parents of children with disabilities named the deficits of public welfare and the contradictions of politics in the field of inclusion. This speech can be read here. A parent counsellor pointed out the lack of education, which is particularly serious for children with disabilities. The drum band Alles Blech led our lantern procession so spiritedly that several spectators spontaneously danced to the rhythm of the drums. It was a cheerful event that was great fun for all participants. We are already looking forward to the Sea of Lights 2020.
Care Catwalk at the Feminist Futures Festival on 14 September 2019 26. November 2019
Sea of lights for more inclusion on 25.10.19 in Frankfurt 22. October 2019