Care Revolution | Care Revolution network meets online

Care Revolution network meets online

Aktuelles – 09. June 2020
The nationwide Care Revolution network meeting took place online for the first time on the weekend of 4 to 6 June 2020. It was very well attended with around 40 participants. It certainly helped that nobody had to travel. The coronavirus pandemic was probably also a decisive factor in the broad participation, as it has led to care work being widely discussed in the public debate and our regional groups are often asked to make statements or give presentations. Some new members also joined us at this meeting, which we are delighted about. Our network meeting traditionally opens on Friday evening with a public lecture. This time, Ann Wiesental from Netzwerk Care Revolution discussed with the friends of the Klassenlosengesellschaft and Friederike Beier, author of the book "Materialising Feminism". On Saturday, we were able to report to each other on a variety of local activities, such as rallies on 1 May or activities for Care Day. Afterwards, we debated in four parallel workshops on the questions of how we can create good framework conditions for care and climate with our ideas of the care economy, what significance the concept of solidarity has for our political work, how the struggles for a solidary healthcare system have changed in times of corona and what contribution care councils can make to the joint local organisation of necessary care work. On Sunday, the focus was more on organisational issues. We talked about the tasks of the coordination circle, which exchanges information about the activities in the network and in the regional groups by telephone between the network meetings. We also considered how we could further improve our public relations work via our website and social media as well as our educational programmes. At the end of the weekend, it became clear in the feedback round that we were all very inspired by our exchange. We are also glad that we were able to meet again, at least online. Many thanks to the organisers!
Kontext: Network meeting
Freiburg's contribution to the nationwide day of action for a solidarity-based healthcare system 19. June 2020
#CAREelevant - The Care Revolution Podcast 11. May 2020