Care Revolution | Care must not be a profit business!

Care must not be a profit business!

Aktuelles – 07. July 2018
The association of caring relatives wir pflegen e.V. has reacted with clear criticism to the practice of private investors making billions in profits from the German care system. According to recent press reports, returns of up to 14 per cent are being generated from the care of people in need of nursing in residential homes - at the expense of humane care, to the detriment of those in need of care and the people who care for them.Click here for the press release from the Association of Family Carers, which is also a member of the Care Revolution network.
Methodological training on care and degrowth 07. August 2018
Report from the Care Revolution network meeting on 14 and 15 April 2018 in Leipzig 26. May 2018