Care Revolution | Easter march in Freiburg for the first time in a long time

Easter march in Freiburg for the first time in a long time

Aktuelles – 19. April 2022 – Action
This year saw the first Easter march in Freiburg for a long time in the city itself, after it had last taken place in Müllheim, south of Freiburg, where a Franco-German unit is stationed. This time, a demonstration was organised both in the city on Maundy Thursday and in Müllheim on Easter Monday. At least 500 participants took part in Freiburg - few in view of the war in Ukraine, but also considerable given the media barrage to which pacifist positions are exposed in the national and Freiburg media. The demonstration was supported by a pleasingly broad alliance - in addition to peace groups, including DGB and ver.di, Fridays for Future and Seebrücke. The Freiburg Care Revolution group also took part in the organisation of the demonstration and the demonstration itself. We emphasised our positions in a speech and with posters: In war, along with the protection of human life itself, care for one another also comes under the wheels. Even if states speculate on winning this war - the people on the battlefield of Ukraine are definitely the losers. That is why we are calling for an end to the invasion, but also to war-prolonging measures such as arms deliveries. We also oppose the arms build-up in Germany, where 100 billion is being released for the military at lightning speed and without social debate, which we urgently need for care infrastructure and as a means of combating the climate catastrophe.
Easter March in Heidelberg 2022 "Lay down your arms! - Peace logic instead of war logic!" 23. April 2022
Report from the Care Revolution network meeting - spring 2022 05. April 2022