Care Revolution | Organise care for each other in solidarity!

Organise care for each other in solidarity!

Aktuelles – 21. November 2015 – Debate
Millions of people are on the run - from war, violence and poverty. It is the governments of the West that are destroying the livelihoods of millions of people with arms exports and economic interventions such as the depletion of natural resources, the privatisation of social infrastructure and food subsidies for the benefit of large corporations. These governments are countering the resulting refugee movements with isolationist strategies - from military Frontex operations in the Mediterranean to border fences secured with barbed wire and massive border controls as a deterrent. And yet there are rays of hope of humanity in this depressing scenario, when hundreds of thousands of people provide the arrivals with the most necessary food and drink as well as clothing and blankets and greet them in a friendly and positive manner. Here, people are caring for others, giving a little of their often scarce time or financial resources to support people in need. These are encouraging signs of solidarity. In the following, my aim is to illustrate how support for refugees can be further developed within the framework of the Care Revolution strategy.
Presentation of the book "Care Revolution" by Gabriele Winker 10. December 2015
6 Nov: Discussion on the Care Revolution in Duisburg 19. October 2015