Care Revolution | Support the Care Revolution!

Support the Care Revolution!

Aktuelles – 05. December 2017
Support us now with a monthly contribution.Care Revolution! Together we are calling for a transformation of public services. We no longer want excessive demands and a lack of time. We want an economy that focuses on people's needs rather than profit! The Care Revolution network does political work to achieve this: we organise information events on the topic, problematise the state of public services and support workers' struggles for better working conditions in care and daycare centres - all on a voluntary basis! But voluntary political work also needs money! Support the Care Revolution network now with a monthly contribution. Every amount helps us. If you could donate, please send an email to Unfortunately, the bank account details mentioned at the end of the video are no longer active.What happens with your moneyWe need your monthly contribution to cover our running costs. In concrete terms, this means, for example, paying for an office space and our travelling expenses or financing our website. However, we use most of the donations for projects run by our local groups. These work at various levels to raise the status of care work: for example, we support care strikes in hospitals, hold information events on the topic of domestic work and organise demonstrations for an economy that places care work at the centre.
1,200 people demonstrate in Freiburg for more nursing staff 20. December 2017
Video of the participatory conference in Leipzig 01. December 2017