Care Revolution | Referendum for more carers in Berlin!

Referendum for more carers in Berlin!

Aktuelles – 02. February 2018 – Action
The referendum "For healthy hospitals" was launched in Berlin on 1 February. The initiative is supported by the Berlin Alliance for More Staff in Hospitals. The goal is a law that increases the staffing ratio for nursing care in hospitals on a generally binding basis and expands public investment in hospitals. The Berlin Care Revolution Group supports the referendum - economic competition in the healthcare sector through the exploitation of nursing staff and at the expense of patient safety is not humane and should be abolished! We are taking part in the signature collection. And together with the alliance for more staff in hospitals, Care Revolution Berlin is calling for a health and care block at the Women's Struggle Day demonstration on 8 March in Berlin. The slogan: "For everyone, for you: More time and money for care work!" (5 pm Hermannplatz corner Hasenheide). You can find the call here.
Care Revolution on a sailing trip 07. February 2018
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