Care Revolution | Walk of Care on 12 May in Berlin

Walk of Care on 12 May in Berlin

Aktuelles – 19. May 2021
Due to the pandemic, decentralised actions took place at several locations in Berlin on this year's 12 May, the international "Day of Care", which were linked by a demonstration procession of the "Walk of Care", which was broadcast via live stream along with some hospital beds through Berlin-Mitte. One of these actions was a protest organised by ver.di in front of the Rotes Rathaus, in which we loudly participated with some members of the Berlin "Platz für Sorge" alliance, thus showing solidarity and networking with the Berlin hospital movement . 1,000 Vivantes and Charité employees from various work areas and wards, as well as trade unionists and numerous supporters, had registered in advance for the rally at the Neptunbrunnen. The atmosphere was good, militant and very community-building. Part of the protest was the handover of a petition to the Berlin Senate, which has already been signed by 8,397 employees of Berlin's state hospitals and demands more staff through binding guidelines on staffing and equalisation in the event of understaffing as well as fair wages and TVöD for all (!) employees. One thing became clear again and again in the emotional speeches: the current circumstances in nursing are intolerable. There is a lack of time, recognition and staff - and has been for years. The healthcare system's focus on profits instead of human needs and on the backs of employees and to the detriment of them and patients must come to an end! The protest was also the start of a 100-day ultimatum: if the Berlin Senate and hospital management do not respond, a strike will follow - just a few weeks before the Bundestag elections and the Berlin parliamentary elections. The summer will be politically hot - because as Florence Nightingale, the founder of nursing, once said: "If there were no one dissatisfied with what they have, the world would never get better." After this protest, we marched on to the final rally of the "Walk of Care" at Alexanderplatz at 5 p.m. with our banners, on which, among other things, "Patriarchy & Capitalism un-care" was written in large letters. Here, too, we were warmly welcomed and were able to contribute a speech not only to demand better conditions in the paid care professions, but also to draw attention to the unpaid care work that is carried out privately and at home and for which the necessary time is also so often lacking. The following echoed loudly across the busy square: "Our society is still based on the fact that a large proportion of care or reproductive work is carried out unpaid at home at a time when more and more adults are in paid employment. The so-called family closer model is long gone. Almost all adults are now working, but who is doing the work at home? It is unacceptable for work at home to become a second shift. Something has to change!" Here you can find a video of the complete final rally at Alexanderplatz - from 25:30min you can see the entire speech on "Platz für Sorge". We also distributed flyers with the Berlin "Platz für Sorge" call - because: "It is high time that we fight for good, solidary conditions for care work. We want a system change in which care is at the centre." This empowering day of action came to an end just before a pelting rain shower - but we will be back, no question! For more time, more staff, more pay, more space for care! Care work belongs at the centre of society - now!Press review 12 May Thanks to everyone who joined us on the streets. We got a lot of attention in the press. Take a look at the articles & spread the word. Tagesspiegel: Berlin nursing staff issue 100-day ultimatum in election campaign taz: "We're all fed up "rbb24: "We're always short of staff to provide patients with good care" ND: 100-day ultimatum freitag: Every reason to revolt Wonderful video from ver.di TV: Employees protest for relief
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