Care Revolution | Fourth "celebrate disabled and crazy" Pride parade on 15.7.17 in Berlin

Fourth "celebrate disabled and crazy" Pride parade on 15.7.17 in Berlin

Kalender-Icon 15. July 2017
Freaks and cripples, crazy and lame, stubborn and blind, deaf and normally disabled - come out onto the streets with us and celebrate! 15.7.17, 3 pm, Hermannplatz, Berlin There is a lot of talk about inclusion, equality, self-determination and participation, especially before elections. But the world looks different! The terms were coined by marginalised and oppressed groups. However, they are increasingly being reinterpreted and misused by the marginalisers and oppressors by throwing us a few crumbs and calling it "participation". That's why we demand: to have it all instead of participating! You can find the call here.
City: Berlin
Place: Hermannplatz
Time: 15:00