Care Revolution | CareBlock at the "Redistribute!" demonstration on 12 November in Berlin, Alexanderplatz

CareBlock at the "Redistribute!" demonstration on 12 November in Berlin, Alexanderplatz

Kalender-Icon 12. November 2022
Karten-Icon Aktion

Health, education and care systems are important for a good life and this affects us all! Nevertheless, these areas are underfunded and social services of general interest are being cut to the bone. Employees in care professions are working at the limits of their capacity. And many people barely have enough time and energy for unpaid care work in their private lives. Patients and those in need of care, children and parents, old and young people in diverse caring relationships suffer from this deplorable state of affairs - especially those on low incomes.

A society based on solidarity is one in which all people can look after each other according to their wishes and those who are dependent on care work also receive it. In times of crisis, it is therefore all the more important for us to make the importance of care work, whether paid or unpaid, visible!

Join us - workers in health and care professions, the sick and those in need of care, people in diverse care relationships: become part of the care block at the"Redistribute!" demonstration. For a society that puts people's needs, not profit maximisation, at the centre!

We will meet on 12 November 2022 at 1 pm at Alexanderplatz, Berlin.

City: Berlin
Place: Alexanderplatz
Topic: Crisis protests, redistribution
Time: 13:00