Care Revolution | Who Cares? Why care work belongs at the centre of all economic activity!

Who Cares? Why care work belongs at the centre of all economic activity!

Kalender-Icon 17. October 2023

Care initiatives in dialogue

In discussion:

Liska Beulshausen (co-leader & board member of Wirtschaft ist Care e.V.)

Feline Tecklenburg (co-leader & board member of Wirtschaft ist Care e.V. and co-editor of the anthology Wirtschaft neu ausrichten. Care Initiatives in Germany, Austria and Switzerland)

Elfriede Harth (Care activist at the Care Revolution network)

Hanna Jones (co-founder and managing director of Jobs for Moms)

Further information at:

City: Koblenz
Place: University for Social Design, Kornpfortstraße 15
Time: 19:00