Care Revolution | Workshop with Ann Wiesental on 18 August in Berlin

Workshop with Ann Wiesental on 18 August in Berlin

Kalender-Icon 18. August 2023

The Care Revolution workshop with Ann Wiesental (Netzwerk Care Revolution) will take place on 18 August 2023 at 11:00 am at the Naturfreundejugend Berlin summer camp, which is critical of domination. Gabriele Winker introduced the term Care Revolution to the world. Together with various feminists and groups, she and Ann initiated the Care Revolution network. The network combines a specific theoretical approach of feminist economic critique and feminist materialism with political practice. In concrete struggles, the network always tries to combine three perspectives: That of the wage-dependent care workers, that of the invisible, unpaid domestic and family workers and that of those dependent on this care work (children, the elderly, the sick). Social conditions divide us again and again and play our interests off against each other. The care movement is trying to overcome this by organising together and fighting together. (The text is taken from the announcement of the Naturfreundejugend and only slightly adapted).

You can find more information about the Naturefriends Youth Berlin summer camp here

City: Berlin
Place: Summer camp of the Naturfreundejugend Berlin
Time: 11:00