Care Revolution | 1 May in front of Freiburg Minster

1 May in front of Freiburg Minster

Aktuelles – 04. May 2020 – Action
We from the Care Revolution network in Freiburg and other places have been celebrating 1 May as Invisible Labour Day for years. While in the first two years, our trade union colleagues still asked us what we meant by this and why unpaid work in families and voluntary work is so important to us, in recent years we have become an integral part of the 1 May festival outside on a green square with a Care block at the demonstration and our Care Revolution stand. This year, May Day was cancelled by the DGB trade union federation due to the coronavirus pandemic, but we felt it was particularly important right now to draw public attention to the need to expand a solidary and sustainable care economy, however small it may be. That's why we registered a small gathering with our posters, which was authorised on condition that we kept a distance of 1.5 metres from each other and from passers-by and wore face masks. So we stood in front of Freiburg Minster with our posters with slogans such as "Needs instead of profit" or "Solidarity instead of competition - Care Revolution now". We were also able to distribute our leaflets with a pair of gripping pliers to keep our distance and hold a few conversations at a distance. It did us an enormous amount of good to go beyond the video conference room, at least on this day, and take our place in public again. It was also good to receive encouragement from other people with whom we will be demonstrating together again as soon as the contact restrictions are lifted.
Guerrilla action on 1 May in Frankfurt 04. May 2020
For Care - Feminist Education Week in Leipzig 03. May 2020