Care Revolution | "We take the space for care!" also in Cologne

"We take the space for care!" also in Cologne

Aktuelles – 22. March 2021
The motto "We take the space for care!" was also central in Cologne on 8 March 2021, the international feminist day of struggle. As part of the 8M Alliance Cologne, the Cologne Alliance for More Staff in Healthcare, K2 Interventionist Left, Critical Medicine Cologne, the Antifa AK, the Federation of Democratic Workers' Associations (DIDF) and the Migrant Women's Association Cologne made visible what is still invisible: That paid and unpaid care work continues to be devalued and is mainly done by women, lesbians, inter, non-binary and trans people, and especially those affected by poverty and racism - whether in private or poorly paid and under miserable conditions at work. Care activists have therefore renamed the station forecourt in Cologne Mülheim and made unpaid work visible with many pieces of paper. With music and speeches from all the groups involved, the questions on the square were: Why is caring for others worth so much less than growing profits for the few? What could a society look like in which caring for one another and solidarity with one another take centre stage?
Digital book presentation and discussion with Gabriele Winker 22. March 2021
Protest in front of Paderborn Cathedral due to Caritas sabotaging better wages in geriatric care 21. March 2021