Care Revolution | Berlin "Place for Care" on 12/09/2021

Berlin "Place for Care" on 12/09/2021

Aktuelles – 17. September 2021 – Action
On Sunday, 12 September 2021, we turned Neukölln's Karl-Marx-Platz aka Jenny-Marx-Platz into Berliner Platz für Sorge from 2 - 6 pm
Because: We demand more PLACE FOR CARE!!! Care work oriented towards human needs belongs at the centre of our society!
It was a varied and colourful afternoon with speeches, music, hands-on activities, exhibitions, a children's programme, discussion rounds, readings, an information table, a feminist acrobatics performance and even a quiz!
Also present were: AK Mutterschaft & Feminismus // Feminist*Dialogues // Care Revolution Berlin // Gesundheits-AG der Interventionistischen Linke Berlin // f*akt // 4-Stunden-Liga Berlin // Geburtshaus Maja // Netzwerk gegen Feminizide // Berliner Krankenhausbewegung // Kampagne Freie Träger Faire Löhne // Feminist Pursuits // GuTSo Gewerkschaft für unbezahlte Tätigkeiten & Care // Xilian Aerial Arts // Network for Caring Relatives // Health instead of Profits // Deutsche Wohnen&Co expropriate // SWAG SexWorkerActionGroup // profem030 // Walk of Care
You can find our call for a place for care here.
Care block at Freiburg climate strike demo 28. September 2021
Rally for more staff in Thuringian daycare centres in front of the state parliament in Erfurt 15. September 2021